KeeFox 1.6

In about a month we'll ask Mozilla to publish KeeFox 1.6 to all users.

It's a small release compared to KeeFox 1.5 but it will contain a few improvements and new options that some users will find very useful.

It will also be a release which breaks compatibility with some very old and insecure technologies so that we can continue to support new technologies and reduce the risk of KeeFox bugs.

If you aren't sure that you're using the latest versions of KeeFox, Microsoft Windows, Microsoft .NET Framework, KeePass or Firefox, please read the rest of this announcement since some it might apply to you.

Windows and .NET Framework

Users of Windows 8 and higher are definitely unaffected by these changes so can skip the next 2 paragraphs.

We have not supported the use of KeeFox on Windows XP for a long time now but KeeFox 1.6 will be the first version where we've not even looked to see if it works. It might still do but if you are one of the few dozen KeeFox users still using that operating system, we strongly advise upgrading since your system is probably already compromised and your passwords are at risk.

There is also a new requirement for .NET Framework 4.0 or newer (we previously required version 2). This is a Microsoft feature that is included with newer versions of Windows but can also be installed by you on older versions of Windows. We've checked our records and found that far less than 1% of you have a version lower than 4 but in case you are running Windows 7 or earlier, you may find that you need to allow a bit more time to upgrade to KeeFox 1.6 because we'll also ask you to upgrade to the .NET Framework 4.0 or higher if we detect that it is not installed on your computer.

KeeFox, KeePass and Firefox

The new minimum Firefox version is 32 (released 18 months ago).

You'll also need to use KeePass version 2.19 or higher (released about 4 years ago).

Finally, the few people that still have not upgraded from KeeFox 1.2 should do so before 1.6 is released because an upgrade from 1.2 all the way to 1.6 will cause you to lose some configuration information.

Article categories: [keefox KeePass development .NET news release releases]
Published on: 2 March 2016