What next for KeeFox?

UPDATE: I’m currently analysing the results of the survey so please post any further suggestions or thoughts on the help forum. I’ll post any interesting results in a new article soon.

With KeeFox 1.1 recently released, I thought it would be a good time to ask you where you think KeeFox should be heading in future. To help me understand and keep track of your opinions and suggestions I have created a short survey which I would really appreciate you completing.

The survey has been active since version 1.0 was released but I’ve not yet received enough responses to draw any firm conclusions from the current results so please take a moment to answer the questions in the survey that you can find here: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheet/view … rmkey=dEVIOHNxMnAtTy00c0w4TDVjX2loY3c6MQ

I’ll analyse the responses and then post a summary of the results in a couple of months.

If you have any further suggestions or questions in the mean time, don’t forget to check out the help resources at http://keefox.org/help/

If you have already completed the survey then thank you! I’ve not had time to read individual comments yet but will definitely do so soon.

Article categories: [keefox KeePass news]
Published on: 29 October 2012